8 questions to ask if you're considering a job change.

Most of us face a crossroads in our careers at one point or another. For some, it's an intuitive feeling that a significant change is on the horizon. For others, it's aching for a change of direction or the recognition you know you deserve. 

Whether you have clarity on the path ahead or not, there are a lot of essential things to ask yourself before deciding to join "The Great Resignation". To guide you in this process, here are eight key questions that can help you gain clarity on the right "next step."

Where do you want to be in three years? Five years? Ten years?

When reflecting on this, it's crucial to"dream big." For example, do you want to set up an NGO? Or become a successful entrepreneur? Maybe you want to transition into the creative industry. Whatever your heart tells you is an internal compass and the essential first step in realising your goals.

What is one big milestone that would get you there? 

Charting a significant milestone is a great way to visualise the most important steps toward your goal. By placing a stake in the ground to work towards and a point of reference to measure how far you are from accomplishing it, you can deconstruct how key elements can work together to reach what it is you want to achieve.

What about my current role do I enjoy?

Reflecting on where your strengths and values align in your current role is a great way to get a sense of what you might need more of in future positions.  

What parts of myself do you want to utilise more?

By measuring how you currently use your diverse skills, you can pinpoint what parts of yourself you might be underutilizing. Focusing on the specific aspects of yourself you want to harness more gives you a reference when considering the compatibility of future roles.  

What do I want my day to look like?

Picturing what an ideal workday would look like is a great way to visualise what is at the root of this change. Detailing aspects such as when you get up, your environment, what you are doing, and who you are with gives you a better sense of underlying needs that are not being met.

Am I headed in the right direction?

Now that you know what you want or need long-term, you can take an objective view and ask yourself, Am I moving in the direction to achieve my goals? Even a slight change in direction can result in arriving at a dramatically different destination. 

What is driving my need for change?

Knowing what you want from your career, try to pinpoint any needs that are not currently being met. From there, ask yourself what, if anything, could you change to fulfill these needs. 

What would you do if the world no longer needed (insert current job title)? 

Without limitation or practical thinking, answer this question honestly. If you weren't doing what you currently do, what does your heart tell you to try?

What is something I've been wanting but ignored?

What is that niggling feeling trying to tell you? Take the time to consider if there is something that you've been ignoring that deserves your attention. 

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How to learn from your younger self.