A detailed look at the 1:1 coaching experience.

For those new to coaching, it may be hard for you to visualize what happens in a session or a program. That's why before we begin a paid coaching agreement, The Nest offers anyone with interest the opportunity to have a free 1:1 consultation with one of our ICF-certified coaches

This commitment-free 30-minute conversation will give you a taste of what you can expect in an actual coaching session, answer any questions you have, and give you a sense of whether coaching is right for you. Following this session, if you decide to proceed with a coaching program this is what you can expect.

One 90-minute intro session

At the start of your coaching program, we will have a more extended 90-minute session to uncover what you hope to get from our work together. In this session, we will outline any particular focus areas and look at what drove you to want a coach at this time in your life. You will explore your challenges or goals with your coach in a confidential and supportive environment and answer questions designed to give your coach an in-depth understanding of your unique situation. From here, the following sessions will be tailored to your specific needs. 

Eight 60-minute coaching sessions

Following the 90-minute intro session, you'll meet with your coach approximately every ten days for eight sessions. These sessions will be 1:1 private calls held online via zoom video call. Each will last for about one hour, and you will explore a topic of your choice. 

It's important to recognize that this will not be a regular, passive conversation. Your coach will guide you, facilitate your learning and challenge you to go deeper to uncover what's holding you back. Your coach will draw from a vast range of materials, finding the right tools for you. In these sessions, you'll focus on discovering new insights and set specific action steps for ongoing growth to get more precise on what you want and closer to where you want to be with every session you have. 

Free workbooks and reflective exercises

Throughout your sessions, your coach will offer workbooks and exercises to help you reflect on and learn from your behaviour. These free materials provide additional activities to complete in your own time should you choose to do so. Designed to help you integrate new intentions, turn ideas into actions, learn from your insights and master the accountability needed to reach your goals, they are an invaluable resource of knowledge and support.

Free anytime, online support.

We know that creating long-lasting change can be challenging and takes a while to master. That's why we provide anytime online support. A free service that allows you to connect with your coach via WhatsApp or email anytime, it's designed to give you an ally, a cheerleader and an accountability partner who is there when you want to share your successes or struggles.

Three-month follow-up.

We want to ensure every client creates sustainable change and continued growth. To ensure we do so, The Nest offers all coachees a free 60-minute online session three months after completing their program. A chance to check in on life, and your progress, it's a moment to discuss new challenges you may be facing or show off your latest success. Driven by a desire to create a supportive community, we welcome this opportunity to reconnect with each of the inspiring women we coach.

Want to learn more about how The Nest can support your needs?

Book a free 1:1 coaching consultation.


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